
Anam Cara

The definition of Anam Cara is “soul friend” when looking into the depths to what that means it’s a beautiful way to say “spiritual guide.” I hope to honor that name by writing with my being’s authenticity and most of all from a place of humbleness. For when we move from a place of offering up rather than a place of pleasing others we move without self-doubt which creates an opportunity of genuine connection. All with the intention to fulfill my life’s mission which is to support souls to remember who they really are, to help YOU get unburied.

Buried? You may ask. Yes, some of us have been buried by self-doubt, one’s culture’s programming, perhaps trauma; the list goes on. It’s time to remember what it felt like to be lit up, to move around this world unapologetically YOU! Well, I do thank you for taking the time to read this and perhaps this page isn’t for you. My advice, continue searching for a guide that you can relate to, because at times we can get lost in our own chaos and a familiar soul can help calm that storm. May God bless you with guidance to follow the right path that will move you from vanity and a place that truly fills you up. Amen!

-Anam Cara